Exceptional Rug Cleaning Services in Toronto

Rugscleaning.com (Division of Taj Persian Rugs inc): Toronto’s top rug cleaning source for 45+ years. We clean all types of rugs with care and precision, offer moth proofing, deodorizing, and restoration services. Trust us to treat your rugs with the utmost care and respect.


Experience the Magic of Rugscleaning.com

For over four decades, Rugscleaning.com has been providing expert rug cleaning services in Toronto. Our team of professionals has the knowledge, experience, and expertise to restore your rug’s beauty, vibrancy, and texture. We specialize in hand-made, machine-made, wool, silk, synthetic, and custom rugs, ensuring that each rug is treated with the utmost care and attention. Trust us to make your rug look and feel as good as new.

Why Choose Us?

At Rugscleaning.com, we believe that your rug is more than just a floor covering. It’s a statement of style, elegance, and personality. That’s why we offer a range of services that cater to your rug’s unique needs. From expert cleaning to moth proofing and deodorizing, our team of professionals will ensure that your rug looks and feels as good as new.


Expert Cleaning

Our team of professionals uses state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to clean your rug, ensuring that it looks and feels as good as new.



We use safe and effective deodorizing techniques to eliminate any unpleasant odors and leave your rug smelling fresh and clean.


Moth Proofing

Our moth proofing services protect your rug from pesky insects, ensuring that it maintains its longevity and quality.


Rug Restoration

Our team of experts can restore your rug to its former beauty, including re-fringing, binding, and surging services.

We believe in responsible and sustainable cleaning practices. That’s why we use eco-friendly products and techniques to clean your rug, ensuring that we leave a minimal environmental footprint.

Our Customers speak for us

4.8 average rating from 1814 reviews

Limited Time -30% OFF on all Hand Washed Area rugs

Our Mission

At Rugscleaning.com, our mission is to provide top-quality rug cleaning services that exceed our clients’ expectations. We’re committed to using eco-friendly products and techniques that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility. We strive to ensure that your rug looks and feels as good as new, providing a statement of style, elegance, and personality.

Rugs Cleaning.com

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